深溝滾珠陶瓷軸承  |軸承介紹|全陶瓷軸承


代碼 CE_01

人氣 2259

組成 Components

組成 Components of a full ceramic bearing

  • (1) Ceramic races 内外圈 Si3N4 / SiC / ZrO2 / AI2O3
  • (2) Ceramic balls 球體 Si3N4 / SiC / ZrO2/ Al2O3
  • (3) Ball Cage / Retainer 保持器 Nylon / PEEK / Teflon
  • (4) Seals / Shields 密封圈 Rubber / Steel / PEEK / Teflon
  • (5) Lubricant 潤滑 Dry / Oil / Grease

產品特色與優點 Advantages


特色 Features 優點 Advantages
更高的硬度 Higher hardness - 更好的耐磨性 Better wearability
- 更佳的耐用性 Greater durability
- 更長的使用壽命 Longer service life
更輕的重量 Lower gravity - 極致輕量化系統 Extremely lightweighting the system
- 轉動中產生較低的離心力,因此能降低軸承的磨損,和熱能的產生,使軸承能在告高速中運轉
Lower centrifugal force during rotation, consequently less bearing wear and heat generation, and bearings can run at higher speed
更高的鋼度 Higher stiffness - 提高系統的鋼度 Increase the rigidity of system
- 在負載下,減少球體的變形,能量更有效的傳遞 Less sphere deformation under load, and this will transfer energy better
更高的精度及陶瓷球表面光潔度 Higher precision and better surface finish of ceramic balls - 減少陶瓷球與外圈的摩擦 Less friction between ceramic balls and races
- 較低的損耗 Less wear
更佳的耐腐蝕性 Good corrosion resistance - 需要較少的維修與保養費用 Less maintenance or maintenance free
- 不會生銹或腐蝕 Races will not block on rust/corrosion
更高耐高溫 High temperature endurance - 適用於高溫環境 Applicable for high temperature conditions
自潤滑 Self-lubrication - 適用於無油運轉 Suitable for dry run
更佳的防磁效果 Magnetism free - 減少磁性干擾,破壞軸承的轉動平滑性 Less magnetic contaminations to be magnetized into the raceway that can affect smooth rotation and destroy the raceway
更佳的電絕緣效果 Electrical isolation - 電腐蝕力,避免電流損傷軸承 No galvanically stimulated corrosion
- 應用於需要絕緣的電力設備中使用 Applicable for applications that require electrical isolation



產品類別 TYPE


  1. 一、氧化鋯(ZrO2)陶瓷軸承 —
    1. a 應用領域 — 化工機械、食品機械、海洋、水域等機械設備。
    2. b 特性 — 配置PTFE(聚四氟乙稀)保持架,更具有高耐腐蝕的作用。

  2. 二、氮化硅(Si3N4)陶瓷軸承 —
    1. a 應用領域 — 此型陶瓷軸承,在材料應用上有更廣泛的突破。其具有更強的硬度,几達HRC80度,耐極限高溫也達800度C左右。因此其表面光滑、堅硬,同時也具備自潤滑的能力。
    2. b 通用領域 — 高真空環境、高速主軸機床、研磨機、牙鑽機、儀表機、航空型、溜冰鞋……等。

  3. 三、碳化硅(SiC)陶瓷軸承 —
    1. a 應用領域 — 在極惡劣的環境及特殊場所,例如:超高溫環境(建議用溝球型),其几可承受到1300度C。又如在高腐蝕化學藥劑中(建議使用PTFE保持架)有較久的使用壽命,因其之硬度高達HRC90度。

  4. 四、陶瓷軸承鋼、不銹鋼混合型軸承 —
    1. a 應用領域 —
      1. ① 由於陶瓷的特性及屬性,使其在加工過程中受到諸多限制,以及製 造有一定的難度,以致價格也隨之高昂,故有了混合型軸承,其中又以球為陶瓷,內、外圈為軸承鋼的混合型軸承,在高速高精度領域應用最多。
      2. ② 陶球,內、外圈不銹鋼(SUS440)既可防蝕,又具備高潤滑、耐磨的效果。
      3. ③ 氧化鋯(ZrO2)內、外圈,球氮化硅(Si3N4),混合型陶瓷軸承。




陶瓷與軸承鋼材料、性能、數據比較表 Ceramic Deep Groove Balls Bearings(Basic)

If you need a custom order bearing, the race can be made from Silicon Nitride, Zirconia Oxide, Chrome Steel 52100 or Stainless Steel. The ball material can be made from Silicon Nitride or Zirconia Oxide. The retainer can be Nylon, PTFE, PEEK, or full compliment. The bearing can be sealed or opened, greased or dry.

特色 Features 優點 Advantages
更高的硬度 Higher hardness - 更好的耐磨性 Better wearability
- 更佳的耐用性 Greater durability
- 更長的使用壽命 Longer service life
更輕的重量 Lower gravity - 極致輕量化系統 Extremely lightweighting the system
- 轉動中產生較低的離心力,因此能降低軸承的磨損,和熱能的產生,使軸承能在告高速中運轉
Lower centrifugal force during rotation, consequently less bearing wear and heat generation, and bearings can run at higher speed
更高的鋼度 Higher stiffness - 提高系統的鋼度 Increase the rigidity of system
- 在負載下,減少球體的變形,能量更有效的傳遞 Less sphere deformation under load, and this will transfer energy better
更高的精度及陶瓷球表面光潔度 Higher precision and better surface finish of ceramic balls - 減少陶瓷球與外圈的摩擦 Less friction between ceramic balls and races
- 較低的損耗 Less wear
更佳的耐腐蝕性 Good corrosion resistance - 需要較少的維修與保養費用 Less maintenance or maintenance free
- 不會生銹或腐蝕 Races will not block on rust/corrosion
更高耐高溫 High temperature endurance - 適用於高溫環境 Applicable for high temperature conditions
自潤滑 Self-lubrication - 適用於無油運轉 Suitable for dry run
更佳的防磁效果 Magnetism free - 減少磁性干擾,破壞軸承的轉動平滑性 Less magnetic contaminations to be magnetized into the raceway that can affect smooth rotation and destroy the raceway
更佳的電絕緣效果 Electrical isolation - 電腐蝕力,避免電流損傷軸承 No galvanically stimulated corrosion
- 應用於需要絕緣的電力設備中使用 Applicable for applications that require electrical isolation


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